What you need to know to ‘return to learn’
A letter to parents and guardians posted on March 1 on waipahuhigh.org shares the following information about students’ options to return to campus through the hybrid schedule during fourth quarter:
1) Students in Edmentum (full distance learning) will continue on this platform through the remainder of this school year. Please remember to seek additional support through the provided teacher support in the core academic areas if you need it.
2) For students in the hybrid learning system:
a. All current seniors and selected exceptional students will be the first group to transition back to
school beginning Monday, March 22, 2021. All students returning will report to school on their designated A-B-C-D day.
b. All students MUST properly wear their masks, practice 6’ social distancing, and adhere to all health and safety guidelines.
3) Moving forward after March 22, 2021:
a. If the transition back for seniors and exceptional students is successful, the next identified group
#2 may transition back to school on or about Monday, April 5, 2021.
b. If the transition back for group #2 is successful, then group #3 may transition back to school on or
about Monday, April 19, 2021.
c. If the transition back for group #3 is successful, then group #4 may transition back to school on or
about Monday, May 3, 2021.
d. Responses to Waipahu High School’s Opt-in Form [due 3/5/2021] (http://bit.ly/whsrtl2021) will help to determine which students belong in groups #2, 3, & 4 and when they will return.
We look forward to continuing our work together with you as partners, as the safe return of our students is a priority. Updated information will be shared on our webpage at https://www.waipahuhigh.org/, as well as through our mass messaging phone/text system.
Answers to frequently asked questions are available here.