Black history must be protected across US schools

Black history is no longer being taught sufficiently in schools. Our truth is too often swept under a rug and ignored.

State governments like Florida’s are limiting African American studies, trying to “play it safe” and cover historical wrongs. It is said that the reasoning behind omitting parts of Black history in curricula is because it causes students “discomfort.” Discomfort or not, putting a filter over the truth is not protecting students. History has a 100% chance of making individuals feel displeasure, but protecting students with lies isn’t the way.

One consequences of limiting this curriculum is promoting stereotypes. If a child is only taught about their background outside of school, they may not only rely on whatever stereotypes they are exposed to, but also face increased discrimination. It limits the understanding and appreciation for the Black community overall. 

The “Black history” that’s given to kids is limited enough. State governments may allow teaching about Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Civil Rights Movement, but they don’t take the amount of responsibility that they should and release the full truth of it all.

American history is what gives children the opportunity to empathize with their peers by learning about different cultures’ struggles and accomplishments. All schools should prioritize adding more diversity into their curricula instead of removing it. History may be disturbing, but it can also teach lessons, giving students the chance to learn right from wrong. Instead of state governments trying to take out Black history lessons to cover mistakes, they should show students that taking ownership over wrongdoing can lead to greater respect between all people.