Pandemic shapes students’ habits

COVID-19 has changed the world, and having to stay home almost every day is bound to create new habits, especially for students. So what are they for the Cane Tassel staff and fellow Waipahu High School students?

Some student’s habits related to hygiene have changed dramatically due to COVID precautions. Sophomore Julia Yacas says, “When I come home, I wipe everything I take out with me, including my glasses and phone. I sanitize my hands every time I touch something, like if I accidentally touch my hair.” Yacas is also used to wearing a mask so much she sleeps with a shirt over her mouth and nose.

Fellow sophomore Kila Brown says, “Whenever I come home from an outing, the grocery store for example, I immediately change. In my mind I’m like, ‘These clothes can have COVID. I don’t want it to spread.’ It has made me more paranoid in a sense.'”  

Shopping has also changed for many students, who have turned to more convenient ways to shop within their homes. “I’ve got an online shopping habit, not so much a habit, but I just buy way more than I would going out,” junior Kayla Obena says. “I noticed when the package mailers started to pile up in my room. All the money I saved up started to disappear from my account so I had to check the receipts.” 

Having to use new tools and devices for school has also created new habits for students. “When I log on into class, I check my mic and camera every 15 seconds,” Yacas says.

Using technology for school during most of the year has also affected me. Whenever we have to write something on paper and I make a mistake, I try to press ctrl Z instead of using my eraser.  Now that we can’t hear the bell for class after every class, I set an alarm for every class, and I have the schedule taped to the wall in front of me.  

Online classes have also affected students’ sleep habits. I have 3 alarms in the morning: one at 7 to let me know that it’s almost time to wake up, one at 7:30 to wake me up, and one at 7:50 to let me know that class starts soon. 

Sophomore Maverick Yasuda says that online school has helped him sleep early, go outside more, and try harder in school. But fellow sophomore Tiara Victorino says, “Staying up too late negatively affects me for sure. I’m tired physically, and slow because of it work-wise. Sometimes I’ll fix my schedule, then do a complete 180. But it does affect my ability to function properly in school.”